Daniel Greenwood – Skill Acquisition (Director of the Human Performance Center at the University of Memphis)

skill acquisition skill coaching skill transfer technique training transfer Apr 28, 2024


Episode 63: Andy McDonald chats to Daniel Greenwood a skill acquisition specialist from the University of Memphis. Daniel is currently Director of the Human Performance Center at the University of Memphis, but was previously a Senior Scientist at the Australian Institute of Sport, Singapore Sports Council and Queensland Academy of Sport. Daniel has over a decade of international applied sport science experience with a variety of team and individual sports. His career highlight was being embedded with, and contributing to, multiple Australian Medalists at the London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games.

In this episode Andy and Daniel discuss: 

  • Daniels background
  • Skill acquisition – how do people learn 
  • Does perfect technique exist?
  • Balancing test sterility and transferability
  • Force profiling for skill acquisition 

Where you can find Daniel: