Danny Lum – Isometrics v Traditional Resistance: Comparative Analysis

impulse isometric training benefits isometrics position specific repetition duration reserve research unpacked traditional resistance Apr 30, 2024


In this Research Unpacked Episode Dr Dylan Carmody chats to Danny Lum. Danny Lum serves as the Head of Strength & Conditioning at the Singapore Sport Institute, where he plays a pivotal role in training athletes from various sports disciplines such as bowling, track and field, canoeing, diving, kayaking, judo, and track cycling. With a focus on pushing the boundaries of isometric strength training, Danny is actively engaged in pioneering research in this field. Notably, he recently achieved a significant milestone by obtaining his PhD, which delved into exploring the impacts of isometric strength training on sports performance. In addition to his doctoral studies, Danny is actively involved in investigating the application of variable resistance exercises for the induction of post-activation potentiation, contributing further to the realm of Sports Science and S&C.

Topics Discussed

  • Fatigue effects of Isometrics v traditional resistance
  • Repetition Duration Reserve: Timing Considerations for Isometric Training
  • Isometrics – Position specific or not?
  • Impulse and Recovery: Exploring Isometric Training Benefits

Where you can find Danny Lum: