Ed Lea (Rehab and Strength & Conditioning Coach at Harlequins Rugby)

harlequins rehab rehab schedule return to play rtp rugby rugby injury rugby rehab Apr 28, 2024


In Episode 12 I chat to Ed Lea the Harlequins Rugby Rehab and Strength & Conditioning Coach. In this episode Ed provides an incredibly transparent insight into how both he and Harlequins Rugby approach physical preparation, rehab for the long term injured platers, return to play and more!

In this episode with Ed we discuss:

  • Ed’s route into Strength & Conditioning and Harlequins
  • How do aspiring coaches now gain employment into the industry or professional rugby.
  • What does Harlequins Performance department look like and how is the rehab managed between Physio and S&C
  • The Harlequins “No Hindsight Philosophy”
  • Ed’s role working with the long term injured athletes
  • Keeping the activity level high for injured players
  • Engaging the athlete in planning and goal setting during the rehab period
  • Allowing athletes to try different types of training during rehab to break up the routine.
  • The trend or development of Rugby players receiving services from professionals outside their team setup and network.
  • The role of power diagnostics within Return to Play and RTP criteria.
  • Performance tests in rugby
  • How does Ed or Harlequins approach to developing a modern rugby player.
  • When rotating lifts within a program, What prompts changing the lift?
  • How much influence do the international S&C coaches have on a player at club level.
  • The challenges of working as a Strength Coach in professional rugby.
  • Harlequins Weekly System for Physical Preparation:
      • 1st Day – Building Session
      • 2nd Day – Fast Session
      • 3rd Day – Hard Session
      • 4th Day – Rest Day
      • 5th Day Sharpen (Captains Run)
  • Coordinating and communicating intensity during training
  • Collecting wellness data and information at Harlequins
  • Creating meaning and influence out of data
  • The importance of having an explainable reason for everything you ask of an athlete or implement.