Matthew Buckthorpe PhD – Part 2 – On Field Rehabilitation

chronic loading load management load monitoring movement quality physical conditioning research unpacked tactical skills technical skills training load Apr 30, 2024


Episode 110: In this Research Unpacked episode Alistair McKenzie chats to Matthew Buckthorpe PhD. Matt is a British Sport Scientist, S&C Coach, University lecturer and Researcher specialising in late-stage and on-field rehabilitation. He completed his PhD at Loughbourgh University looking into the neural determinants of Rate of force development. In this second of three episodes Matt will discuss his paper – 4 Pillars of High-Quality On-field Rehabilitation are Restoring Movement Quality, Physical Conditioning, Restoring Sport-Specific Skills, and Progressively Developing Chronic Training Load.

Topics Discussed:

  • The 4 Pillar approach to on-field rehabilitation
  • Restoring movement quality
  • Developing physical conditioning
  • Restoring technical and tactical skills
  • Building chronic training load

Paper Discussed in Part-Two:

Buckthorpe et al, (2019) 4 Pillars of High-Quality On-field Rehabilitation are Restoring Movement Quality, Physical Conditioning, Restoring Sport-Specific Skills, and Progressively Developing Chronic Training Load.

Where you can find Matt:



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Claire Robertson who recently featured on Inform Performance Ep: 123 will will be presenting a webinar on Managing Patellofemoral Pain for Athletes. Claire is a specialist Physiotherapist who runs a Patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics. Claire has lectured internationally on this topic and has many research papers and editorials in peer reviewed journals. Sign-up to receive updates for this upcoming webinar!

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