Sue Falsone (Author of Bridging The Gap – From Rehab To Performance)

athletic movement evidence based practise performance rehab structure and function Apr 27, 2024


Episode 7: I chat with Sue Falsone owner of Structure and Function Education and author of Bridging The Gap. Sue has worked for the LA Dodgers, the US Mens National team and was Vice President of Performance Therapy and Team Sport at Athletes performance. Sue now currently offers consulting for a variety of organisations in the NBA, MLB and NFL, and continues to work one-on-one with athletes.

In this episode with Sue we discuss:

  • Sues background
  • Females working in professional sport
  • Getting your foot in the door within professional sport
  • The value of internships and conferences
  • Understanding and balancing evidence based practise with clinical experience.
  • How does sue decide what tools or approaches to include in her practise
  • Sues organisational system ‘The Slide’, a model for managing athletic injury and performance.
      • The Pain Generator – The source of peoples pain
      • The Motion Segment – The cause of someones pain
      • Psychomotor Control – The brain being able to connect to the body
      • Somatosensory System
      • Fundamental Performance – Strength, Power and Speed
      • Fundamental Advancement or Athletic Movement – How do we express movement
      • Advanced Performance – Sport Specific
  • How does Sue ‘league hop’ and work effectively in different sports
  • Working with other professions
  • Needling, Dry Needling and Acupuncture within Physiotherapy Care.
  • Practise Acts within Physical Therapy in America for Needling and Direct Access.
  • Sues courses and resources



The Strength & Conditioning for Rehab Professionals Course shares essential S&C knowledge that is contextually specific and transferable to your professional context immediately, whilst also providing you with effective frameworks to solve your own problems and deliver high performance rehab. Join us and take your rehab delivery to the next level!

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Comprehensive Calf Force Profiling E-Book

With 60+ pages uncovering lower limb physiology, biomechanics, muscle-tendon function and of course, profiling set ups and benchmarks, this E-Book is a one-stop shop to get the confidence and clarity you need in managing Calf Muscle Strains, Achilles Tendinopathy/Ruptures, and so much more! Authors: Dr Dylan Carmody & Dr Andy McDonald

$19.99 USD


Claire Robertson who recently featured on Inform Performance Ep: 123 will will be presenting a webinar on Managing Patellofemoral Pain for Athletes. Claire is a specialist Physiotherapist who runs a Patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics. Claire has lectured internationally on this topic and has many research papers and editorials in peer reviewed journals. Sign-up to receive updates for this upcoming webinar!

$49.00 USD