Tyler Yearby – Ecological Dynamics

coach-centred ecological dynamics language learning-centred research unpacked swot analysis technical drills Apr 30, 2024


Episode 125: In this Research Unpacked Episode Dr Dylan Carmody chats to Tyler Yearby. Tyler was a former Running Backs and Strength & Conditioning coach at Northeastern State University and former Strength & Conditioning coach in American football at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Tyler is currently pursuing his doctorate in sport and exercise at the University of Gloucestershire (UK), exploring the perceived impact on the professional work of sports coaches and practitioners after interacting with online coaching education underpinned by an ecological dynamics rationale, with a particular focus on the theory-practice link and understanding the strengths and limitations they perceive in their craft after applying the ideas in practice.

Topics Discussed

  • What is Ecological Dynamics
  • Are you coach-centred or learning-centred
  • How to use shared language with athletes
  • Creating a technical drill based on movement SWOT analysis.

Where you can find Tyler Yearby:

Tylers Research:



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Claire Robertson who recently featured on Inform Performance Ep: 123 will will be presenting a webinar on Managing Patellofemoral Pain for Athletes. Claire is a specialist Physiotherapist who runs a Patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics. Claire has lectured internationally on this topic and has many research papers and editorials in peer reviewed journals. Sign-up to receive updates for this upcoming webinar!

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